Achieving Successful Outcomes

We are an investment-led organization, seeking to provide our clients with superior results over full market cycles. For over 40 years, our high-quality investment solutions have enabled our clients to invest and stay invested with great confidence.

About Us


We strive to earn trust every day by consistently applying our time-tested investment philosophy and aligning our fully integrated team and resources to provide each client a highly personal experience. Our custom portfolios seek to meet individual risk, return, and income objectives, driving successful outcomes in the process.

Consultants & Investment Professionals

We provide high-quality, income-producing solutions that stand the test of time. Our belief in quality is rooted in the interest of narrowing the range of potential investment outcomes. Our philosophy is consistently applied through fundamental, bottom-up research across six equity strategies and three fixed income strategies.

Endowments &

We understand the pieces of the investment equation your organization is juggling. We seek to meet and exceed client objectives by strategically blending our proprietary investment strategies into a portfolio that is designed to satisfy your organization’s risk, income, and total investment return objectives.

Meet John Crawford, Our Founder

"We’ve watched our business grow and our nation change, but our principles have always remained the same. We’ve been a steady hand, ready to guide, ready to grow."