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Crawford Cares

Crawford Cares is committed to supporting Atlanta's underserved community. We aim to provide annual financial gifts, encourage a sense of community within our firm, and deepen our corporate commitment to service.

As commitment to service becomes more ingrained in the attitude of our employees, we hope to expand our reach beyond financial aid to other forms of support. 


At Crawford, we seek to serve our clients, each other, and our community. Crawford Cares is an acknowledgement of the good fortune of the firm and its desire to be a good citizen of the Atlanta business community.                              


Our firm’s founder and his wife established a foundation in 2008 and began including the firm in its grant making efforts in 2021. This initiative was named Crawford Cares, and employees across different areas of the firm are selected each year to form a committee.


Throughout the year, the committee meets on a monthly basis, has a formal search process which includes extensive due diligence and on-site visits, and ultimately determines the number of organizations supported and the amount to be allocated to each organization.


Externally, Crawford Cares provides financial support to various charities in our community, reflecting an appreciation of the varied needs among our fellow members of the community. Internally, Crawford Cares helps instill in our firm a deeper understanding of service.

Crawford Cares Core Values:

We are generous of time
and of spirit.

We are servants: to our clients, to each other, to our community.

We believe that all people deserve to be cared for.

Cares Day 2022
Crawford Cares Website Picture
Food Bank
Food Service 2
Food service
Agape 11.6.23 photo 2
2023.07.22 ACFB Service Day 5833 End of Day Group Photo2
2023.07.22 ACFB Service Day 2516 CB-Sav-Jax
2023.04.21 Mental Fitness Breakfast IMG_1548

Organizations Supported Over the Years: